Sunday, May 20, 2018

Thing 37: Green Screen Fun!

This year I explored and started using DoInk, the green screen app. I started small by working with a principal to do the book of the month. I recorded the principal with a green screen in the background and then added images behind her. After doing this a couple of times I found that I preferred to record her reading and then use images against her audio, skipping the green screen. I changed methods, because when I edited the video it became difficult at times to have smooth transitions if I was combining clips. Sometimes her image was larger or smaller in one of the clips and it became choppy. In another project we recorded students talking about their monthly learning. This went better - we had a news desk template created and used it as the background - to look like a TV news set. It looked great and became more an exercise in keeping students focused and not too giggly when they were recording. I still found that keeping students' images the same size was tricky at times when editing. I am curious about what other people do when editing to keep things even and smooth with the images. I watched the DoInk tutorials, but I didn't really learn it until I tried it.
Little takeaways I have:

>Make sure your green screen background is ironed/not wrinkly or bunched up - you can't hide it when you are editing.

>Keep your recording device in the same position/distance from the thing you are recording or your editing can get challenging.

>If you use an iPad for recording, the recording space is actually larger than it appears on the iPad, so keep that in mind when you set up your device and the green screen set.

>Don't let your recording session be the first time you try DoInk! Play with it before you are going to actually use it for the classroom.

>Remember to have fun! The possibilities are endless!

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