Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Thing 01: Blogging

Every so often - yearly now that I am doing Cool Tools again - I get excited about blogging. The first time I ever blogged was when I had infant twins and I wanted a place to put my struggles and joys. Currently I am an Instructional Technology Resource Teacher, so I don't have my own class and students that I see daily. Instead I have 5 schools that I support with many students that I am lucky enough to work with when they are making ebooks or learning about Chromebooks and iPads. I think for me, a blog might be a great place to share resources and create posts about projects I am working on with students and teachers. I have not made it a priority to sit down and blog about the work I am doing, but I am thinking that it would be a great way to create a professional blogfolio and also to show teachers ideas about how I can work with them and their students. I am hoping to support each classroom teacher at one of my schools to create a blog where students create entries about what they are learning and other class happenings and news. I would like to do a brief PD with the teachers and then work with them individually to set up their blog and push into their classes to get students started on creating posts. I am setting this goal for next school year. With Seesaw and Dojo stories, I feel like the teachers might prefer to use one of those programs instead of traditional blogging. I think it would be very doable for the students to use something like Seesaw to create posts and share their work. Do other participants in Cool Tools find that teachers are using apps like Seesaw in place of a blog with a URL address?

1 comment:

  1. People seem to use a variety of tools to give their students a place to write and share. All depends on what works within your school system. And how public you want the writing to be. From what I know of Seesaw, it sounds like a good option.
