Saturday, February 2, 2019

Final Reflection 2018-2019

This round of Cool Tools gave me the chance to explore several things I have been wanting to know more about: Flipgrid, Pear Deck, Adobe Spark, Ways to support ELLs- all to deepen student engagement and differentiate to the learning experience for students. With digital tools, we can and must make the best use of the tools and apps out there to support students' individual needs. I am going to bring the tools I explored this season to the teachers and students I work with, to hopefully enhance feedback and interaction between students and the material they are learning. I made an Adobe Spark to represent my learning from this session of Cool Tools.
"One of the biggest advantages to using these kinds of tools is that they give every student in a class a voice. Students are spared the embarrassment of having to volunteer or be called on to answer a question out loud because everyone answers" -Tony Vincent

During the workshop the main challenge I faced was time. I wanted to explore everything, but I just couldn't. I made a list of things I want to look when I get a moment- Buncee and Peergrid are at the top. I am mindful of the time it takes to explore and try new things. I am grateful that my department works really hard to support teachers in trying new things with students. I am going to pursue the suppporting ENLs/ELLs with digital tools PD with my colleagues.I think that's a pretty good outcome for the time I have put in! Onward!

1 comment:

  1. Wanting to explore everything is a good thing! But it's impossible, just too many options. Glad you found some tools that sound like they will work for you! And if you like, you can do another session of Cool Tools and repeat any lessons that you want to dig into further. That's always an option. So many tools to explore! :)
